Personal feelings aside for the state of social media today, I realized there is some truth in the importance of creating content for exposure. No, I’m not suggesting you go purchase a pair of black skinny jeans, a go-pro, and quit your job to travel.
Rather, I’m talking about exposing your data.
First, what do I mean by Content? Content is a very wide word and can have a variety of meanings. Inspirational sunset photos are nice, but for now, I mean a 3D representation of a building component. This goes beyond just the drawing to include data related to its material, id, manufacturer, cost, color, behavior, fire rating, etc. In the AEC world, content refers specifically to Revit families, AutoCAD blocks, Parts, etc.
So where does the exposure come in? Data attached to the component models typically come set with default data standards. You can also customize your content to match your data structure. Content exposes your standards internally.
Imagine the possibilities if your BIM data ecosystem and structure align with other datasets? I was having lunch last week with a colleague who works in the safety world, while we were talking about a hazardous building waste remediation project. His response: you know, I wish I could tie some of that information into our safety management tool.
This has me thinking, you could include datasets from your colleagues working in ERP, PLM, GRC, or any other 3 letter acronym given the right data structure. Having the right data in your content allows other users to create a Bill of Materials, Construction Schedules, Operate Building Management Systems, leverage Facility Management systems, etc.
So why should you become a content creator?
Most property owners have let go of the control or oversight of the content used to create their buildings! Architecture and Engineering firms typically use generic content. This means when your projects are delivered, they may not have a consistent BIM data structure depending on who you worked with.
This non-consistent data creates problems when integrating different applications, generating portfolio management dashboards, or integrating with other data sets. Taking control over your content leads to more consistency and consumable data. By creating data-rich content with future needs in mind, your team of architects and engineers can create project models consistent with your company’s overall needs.
What are you waiting for? Go get some ripped black jeans & start creating!