
The AEC Hub

Explore the latest trends and innovations in the AEC industry through our expert insights and articles. Delve into topics that shape the world of architecture, engineering, and construction, and stay at the forefront of industry advancements.


Exploring 10 AEC Industry Trends in 2024

The Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry is evolving rapidly, akin to a high-speed train hurtling towards the future. As we stand on the brink of 2024, it becomes increasingly…

Revolutionizing Healthcare in the Public Sector with Digital Twins

In an era where technology and data converge to solve complex challenges, the Municipality of Córdoba, in partnership with Voyansi, embarked on a groundbreaking project. Their objective was to transform…


Artificial intelligence is a constantly evolving field that has advanced by leaps and bounds and exponentially in recent decades. As this technology develops, so does the need to adapt to…

Discussing Techniques and Programming Languages ​​in Revit Plugin Creation

Revit “Programming Techniques” In our previous discussion on the Revit API, we reviewed the concept of using the Revit API to craft a plugin to extend the out-of-the-box functionality within…

WEB –  IFC & IFC.js   / A new way to make BIM

The majority of applications for the AECO (Architecture, engineering, construction, operation) industry are desktop applications (primarily MS Windows© based).  These applications tend to be expensive in cost, especially so today…

From Rhino to Revit #1

Streamlining the Concept Design to Construction Documentation workflow - an exploration. Design often starts with a glimpse of the conceptual end vision. It will go through many iterations of growth…


Artificial intelligence is a constantly evolving field that has advanced by leaps and bounds and exponentially in recent decades. As this technology develops, so does the need to adapt to…

Discussing Techniques and Programming Languages ​​in Revit Plugin Creation

Revit “Programming Techniques” In our previous discussion on the Revit API, we reviewed the concept of using the Revit API to craft a plugin to extend the out-of-the-box functionality within…

WEB –  IFC & IFC.js   / A new way to make BIM

The majority of applications for the AECO (Architecture, engineering, construction, operation) industry are desktop applications (primarily MS Windows© based).  These applications tend to be expensive in cost, especially so today…

From Rhino to Revit #1

Streamlining the Concept Design to Construction Documentation workflow - an exploration. Design often starts with a glimpse of the conceptual end vision. It will go through many iterations of growth…

What is the REVIT API?

The term API is an abbreviation for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of definitions and protocols used to develop and integrate application software, allowing communication between two software…

From Reality to Data, an Introduction to Reality Capture Technology

From early cartographers to modern videographers, there has always been a push to repackage physical reality into consumable formats.  This could be a map, a photo, a land survey, or…
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Content for Exposure?

Personal feelings aside for the state of social media today, I realized there is some truth in the importance of creating content for exposure. No, I'm not suggesting you go…

Relax and play Tetris

Imagine for a minute that you’re a plumber working on a building back in the paper age, maybe right around 1956. You have three, 12” storm pipes that need to…

Logic: the intangible building block

Think for a moment about your chest of tools as an architect, engineer, or designer. You have a variety of software systems, years of experience, and training. Experience tells you…

Owning it from the start

Before writing this post, I reached out to a few people in the AEC space to talk about strategic BIM planning. For me, it's a catharsis to talk about BIM.…

Stage 2: Still Testing…..

Monday March 2nd, 2020. Voyansi, then AEC Lab consisted of 3 project team members: two software developers and our PjM/ head of Software, Libo. Similar to countless other spinoffs, we…